Todos nos hemos admirado alguna vez ante la grandiosidad y la belleza de la naturaleza. Este libro es un viaje que nos llevará por maravillosos lugares alrededor del mundo para conocer de cerca a seres que, al igual que nosotros, tienen familia, emociones, enfrentan desafíos, toman decisiones y crean alianzas.
He dedicado toda mi vida y mi carrera de biólogo al estudio y a la protección de los animales. Espero contagiarte mi admiración por la naturaleza, mi amor por los árboles y mi devoción hacia otros animales que han marcado mi afortunada vida repleta de circunstancias excepcionales, grandes aventuras y encuentros fantásticos con seres sorprendentes. Acompáñame y descubre mi forma de ver el mundo, un lugar donde, sin importar que tengamos el aspecto de un helecho, el carácter de una mosca, la valentía de una hormiga o el corazón de una gaviota, todos somos iguales.
«El lenguaje secreto de la naturaleza nos invita a contemplar nuestro alrededor con una mirada nueva, con una curiosidad con la que, tal vez, no lo habíamos hecho antes.»
Blog Anika entre libros.
Chapter 1. Introduction: From the Old “Holy Roman Empire” to Its Anabiosis with the Treaty of Rome (pp. 1-28)
Chapter 2. The “Innocent” European Economic Community and the “Guilty” EU and EMU (pp. 29-48)
Chapter 3. European Expansion and the Current Debt Crises (pp. 49-122)
Chapter 4. European Union’s Neoliberal Policies and the Deception of Greeks (pp. 123-142)
Chapter 5. The Anti-Democratic, Autocratic, and Anti-Greek Behavior of the European (German) Union (pp. 143-178)
Chapter 6. The Lost Public Policy and Sovereignty (pp. 179-202)
Chapter 7. The Ineffectiveness of Troika’s Public Policies: Challenges for the Future (pp. 203-240)
Chapter 8. Policy Implications and Conclusion (pp. 241-270)
References (pp. 271-292)
Appendix (pp. 293-298)
About the Author (pp. 299-302)
Index of Names (pp. 303-306)
Index of Terms (pp. 307)
Dr. Ioannis (John) N. Kallianiotis is a professor of Finance at the Economics/ Finance Department, The Arthur J. Kania School of Management, University of Scranton, Scranton, PA, U.S.A. He has a B.A. in Business from the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Greece (1978), an M.A. in Business Economics from Queens College, CUNY, New York (1982), an M. Phil. in Financial Economics from Graduate Center, CUNY, New York (1984), and a Ph. D. in Finance (International Finance and Monetary Theory & Financial Institutions) from Graduate Center and Baruch College, CUNY, New York (1986). He has taught to nine different Colleges and Universities for the last thirty-three years and has worked to a few other jobs (as Accountant and Banker) in the private sector for five years. His research interest is on International Finance, Financial Markets, European Union, Public Policy, Political Economy and Economic History, Business and Social Issues in general. His publications are numerous (over 350) in journals, magazines, books, and papers.