
Autonomía local en una constitución reformada

ISBN: 9788425918544

El precio original era: 20,00€.El precio actual es: 20,00€. 19,00 IVA incluido

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Fecha de edición 26/11/2020
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Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Why history matters

Chapter 3: Towards an EU Birds Directive

Chapter 4: Negotiation of the Birds Directive (1976-1979) and its early implementation

Chapter 5: Towards an EU Habitats Directive

Chapter 6: The Habitats Directive proposal

Chapter 7: Negotiating the Habitats Directive I: the Greek and Spanish presidencies (July 1988 to June 1989)

Chapter 8: Negotiating the Habitats Directive II: the French, Irish and Italian presidencies (July 1989 to December 1990)

Chapter 9: Negotiating the Habitats Directive III: the Luxembourg and Dutch presidencies (January 1991 to December 1991) and adoption of the directive in May 1992

Chapter 10: Implementation and the law of Natura 2000

Chapter 11: Discussion and conclusions

Andrew L. R. Jackson is an Assistant Professor in environmental and planning law, UCD Sutherland School of Law, University College Dublin, Ireland. He is a graduate of Oxford University (BA, Law) and of Cambridge University (LLM). He also holds an MSc in Biodiversity and Conservation from Trinity College Dublin (TCD) and a PhD from TCD on EU environmental policy and law. He previously worked for the international law firm Slaughter and May in London and Paris; for the UK government’s legal service, in the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra); and with NGOs Friends of the Irish Environment and An Taisce, the National Trust for Ireland, where he was Natural Environment Officer and in-house Solicitor. Dr Jackson has been involved in public interest environmental and planning cases for many years, including before the Irish, English and EU courts.