
Introduction to Corporate Socilogy

ISBN: 9788494576140

El precio original era: 10,50€.El precio actual es: 10,50€. 9,98 IVA incluido

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Fecha de edición 01/01/2016
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SKU: 9788494576140 Autores: , Categorias: ,

To explain and better understand how the current company does work, we must consider the social dimensions of it and understand the organization of resources in relation to the development of society where it does really make its business. Because of this, University Rey Juan Carlos presents different degrees within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) (Business Administration, Marketing, Economics, Industrial and Labor Relations, Human Resources, etc.), which incorporate in their training curriculum the subject Corporate Sociology as a basic training subject.

The general objective of this text is to provide the students an overview of the role of the company in relation to the processes of change and social dynamics, paying particular attention to important social and economic transformations taking place in the context of the transition to the information society and to globalization, transformations affecting both, qualitatively and quantitatively, the concept of work itself and its organization.

Jaime Hormigos Ruiz, PhD in Sociology, has taught, among other places, at the Diplomatic School (MAEC), Castilla-La Mancha University and the Center for Legal and Social Studies Ramón Carande (Complutense University). For twelve years taught Corporate Sociology in the Department of Communication II and Social Sciences at Rey Juan Carlos University.

Eduardo Díaz Cano, PhD in Sociology, is also professor in the same Department at Rey Juan Carlos University since 2006, and teaches, among other subjects, Corporate Sociology.