
La política exterior de Irán. Poder y seguridad en Oriente Medio

ISBN: 9788413520209

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SKU: 9788413520209 Autor: Categorias: ,

1979. Año triunfal de la Revolución islámica. Liderada ideológicamente por el ayatolá Jomeini, supuso la llegada al poder de una élite religiosa que logró apropiarse de la revolución popular contra el sah Pahlavi. La monarquía, instalada durante siglos en el país, había caído por fin. Durante los siguientes años, las relaciones de la nueva república islámica con el exterior se volvieron cada vez más complicadas debido a conflictos como la guerra contra Iraq o a las acusaciones de terrorismo por parte de EE UU. Ya en el presente siglo, Irán ha seguido en el punto de mira internacional por el desarrollo de un programa nuclear, así como por su interés por alzarse con la hegemonía en la región, en una época marcada por la convulsa situación geopolítica en Oriente Medio. Esta obra realiza un recorrido exhaustivo por las transformaciones políticas de la historia reciente de Irán y el impacto de todas ellas en el clima internacional.

List of Tables

List of Figures




Part 1 Language and Identity

Chapter 1
Variedades caribeñas en contacto: Actitudes dialectales de dominicanos y puertorriqueños en Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Wilfredo Valentín-Márquez, Millersville University

Chapter 2
Language Attitudes of Bilingual Maya Women Living in Yucatan
Lauren Truman, University of Minnesota

Chapter 3
La informalidad como recurso en el español académico de las conferencias
Carolina Viera, Boise State University

Chapter 4
“Mi idioma”: Heritage speakers’ language varieties and identity positioning during study abroad
Isabel Kentengian, The College of New Jersey
Meghann Peace, St. Mary’s University

Part 2 Language and Dialectal Contact

Chapter 5
Intervocalic /s/ Voicing in Andean Spanish: Problematizing the Assessment of Contact-Induced Change
Justin Davidson, University of California, Berkeley

Chapter 6
Glottal Insertion before Vowel-Initial Words in the Spanish of Asunción, Paraguay
Sonia Trawick, Penn State University
Jim Michnowicz, North Carolina State University

Chapter 7
Traditional New Mexican Spanish: The Past, Present, and Future 173
Patricia Arnold, University of Texas at Arlington
María Teresa Martinez-Garcia, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies

Chapter 8
Mood Alternation in Negated Assertives: Insights into Spanish Usage in the United States and Beyond
John Chaston, University of New Hampshire

Chapter 9
Tenía yo como un año y no me recogió: Variación del pretérito e imperfecto en la comunidad mexicana al sur de Luisiana 
Dorian Dorado, Louisiana State University
José Rojas, Louisiana State University

Chapter 10
Lengthening and F0 early peak alignment in Argentine Spanish of Queens, NYC
Giselle Gimenez Meiling, Brigham Young University
Willis C. Fails, Brigham Young University
Scott M. Alvord, Brigham Young University

Part 3 Language in Educational Settings

Chapter 11
Language, Culture, and Service: Innovative Strategies for Bridging SHL Classrooms and Communities Through Service-Learning
Gabriela Moreno, New Mexico State University
Patricia MacGregor-Mendoza, New Mexico State University

Chapter 12
Mixed Classrooms: How Do Spanish Heritage Speakers Feel About the Mix?
Clara Burgo, Loyola University Chicago

Chapter 13
¿Jugo de durazno o zumo de melocotón?: Mexican-American Heritage Speakers’ Service Encounters in Spain
Meghann Peace, St. Mary’s University

Chapter 14
Mantenimiento del español en dos adultos jóvenes: una aproximación al impacto de las redes sociales
Ángela Pinilla-Herrera, Georgia Southern University

Chapter 15
Anotaciones para hablantes de herencia en libros de texto de español a nivel introductorio
Yuly Y. Asención Delaney, Northern Arizona University


Gregory L. Thompson (Ph.D., Second Language Acquisition and Teaching, University of Arizona) is an Associate Professor of Spanish Pedagogy at Brigham Young University. He has taught classes on language pedagogy, bilingualism, Spanish phonetics, applied linguistics, as well as on the development of language skills. Thompson has published articles in Foreign Language Annals, Hispania, and other journals on his varied research areas including code-switching in the foreign language classroom; heritage language learners; service learning and language acquisition; bilingualism and languages in contact; and placement exams and language testing. He has presented extensively at regional, national, and international conferences. He also has published three books titled Intersection of Service and Learning: Research and Practice in the Second Language Classroom; Spanish in Bilingual and Multilingual Settings around the World; and The Changing Landscape of Spanish Language Curricula: Designing Higher Education Programs for Diverse Students.

Scott M. Alvord (Ph.D. in Hispanic Linguistics, University of Minnesota) is an Associate Professor of Hispanic Linguistics at Brigham Young University. He has taught undergraduate and graduate courses on Hispanic Linguistics, Spanish Phonetics, Spanish Phonology, Comparative Linguistics, Spanish Grammar, and Second Language Acquisition of Phonology. His research interests include phonetics and phonology, Spanish in the U.S., and the second language acquisition of Spanish phonology. He has presented extensively at regional, national, and international conferences. Recent publications can be found in Spanish in Context, Foreign Language Annals, Hispania, and Sociolinguistic Studies.