The members of the 3Economy+ Project would like to present a publication of best practices already in place at the project partners in terms of international business, marketing and tourism, in the international procedures related to each of the con-texts in which this project is focused. We think it will serve as a useful instrument to increase economic cooperation among the three regions involved and collection of best practices in the field of business, marketing and tourism, being this our objec-tive.
The publication consists of 14 chapters structured in 3 sections, where we address how to improve in the management of European projects, from our point of view, how to enhance the profile and training of the 3Economy+ project students and how to improve the blended learning, since with all the material that has been generated in this project we intend to create a MOOC so that it is available for free and open to anyone interested in content in the areas we have worked on. All of it, is the result of our experience during years of work, but also, basically, because of the participation in this project, in which we only intend through a quick reading to show our ideas of how to face each of the topics that are exposed. Maybe not every reader agrees with the content, but these are the sensations that each author has reflected. This project was selected in the 2017 call for proposals within the KA2 Action – Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices, more specifi-cally, in Action KA203 – Strategic partnerships for higher education.