
Finance and Financial Intermediation. A Modern Treatment of Money, Credit, and Banking

ISBN: 9780190941703

El precio original era: 41,30€.El precio actual es: 41,30€. 39,23 IVA incluido

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Fecha de edición 30/05/2019
Número de Edición






Lugar de edición


The financial system is a densely interconnected network of financial intermediaries, facilitators, and markets that serves three major purposes: allocating capital, sharing risks, and facilitating intertemporal trade. Asset prices are an important mechanism in each of these phenomena. Capital allocation, whether through loans or other forms of investment, can vary both across sectors-at the broadest, manufactures, agriculture, and services-and within sectors, for example different firms. The risk that various investors are willing to take reflects their financial position and alternative opportunities. Risk and asset allocation are also influenced by whether money, and especially its expenditure, is more important now or in the future. These decisions are all influenced by governmental policies. When there are mismatches, the results include financial meltdowns, fiscal deficits, sovereign debt, default and debt crises.

Part 1. Assets and the Structure of Financial Markets
Chapter 1. Overview of the Financial System
Chapter 2. Market Operation
Chapter 3. Asset Pricing I: Risk-Neutral Pricing
Chapter 4. Asset Pricing with Growth
Chapter 5. Asset Pricing II
Chapter 6. Asset Pricing III: Arbitrage-Based Pricing
Chapter 7. Derivatives
Chapter 8. Investment and Capital Structure of the Firm
Chapter 9. Money
Chapter 10. Exchange Rates and Nominal Interest Rates
Chapter 11. Moving Away From Money
Chapter 12. Lending and the Development of Banks
Chapter 13. More on Banks and Banking
Chapter 14. The Financial Meltdown and the Great Recession
Chapter 15. Debt, Spending and Inflation
Chapter 16. Modeling Government Debt and Inflation
Chapter 17. Debt, Default and Interest Rates
Chapter 18. Math Reviews

Isabel San Sebastián (Chile, 1959) es periodista todoterreno. Ha trabajado en prensa (ABCEl Mundo), radio (Ser, Onda Cero, RNE, Cope, esRadio) y televisión (TVE, Antena 3, Telecinco, Telemadrid y 13TV), actividades a las que roba tiempo para dedicarse a su pasión de escribir. Autora de diversos ensayos, ha publicado en La Esfera de los Libros La visigoda (2007, Premio Ciudad de Cartagena), Astur (2008) e Imperator (2010). Sus dos últimas novelas, Un reino lejano(2012) y La mujer del diplomático (2014), se han publicado en Plaza & Janés. Todas ellas han gozado de gran éxito, superando los 300.000 ejemplares vendidos.