
Farm-saved seed in the upov convention: delimitation of the exception under the earliest upov acts

ISBN: 9788413099125

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Peso 266 g
Fecha de Edición 06/11/2020
Plazo de entrega

24 h

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Libro + e-Book



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While ¡n the Act of 1991 of the UPOV Convention the Farm-Saved Seed (FSS) is expressly codified and further developed, this provisión is missing from the previous Acts. The [iterature argües that the FSS is admissible under the Acts of 1961 and 1978, but very little guidance is provided by the Union on its interpretation under those Acts. The current study addresses the delimitation of the scope of the FSS under the Acts of 1961 and 1978. To this purpose, the rote of the main potentiatty appticable means of interpretation of the Convention have been thoroughly analyzed. From the results of this anatysis, the scope of the FSS under the retevant Acts has been determined. The study condudes that the FSS has been expressly accepted by the Union since its very beginning, in the Diplomatic Conferences of 1957-1961. Flowever, its scope, atready under the eartier Acts, is not unlimited. Besides, a clear trend towards its réstriction has been appreciated, not onty between the Acts of 1991 and the previous ones,(4) but also between the means of interpretation of the Act of 1961 and those means appticable to the interpretation of the Act of 1978. The interest of these and other findings of the study is not restricted though to the interpretation of the FSS under the eartier UPOV Acts. This study may also play a key rote in the interpretation of the FSS under the Act of 1991, and help to better design the future of sui generis systems for ptant variety protection.
DUO publicat

Capítulo I. Proceso de mercado frente a equilibrio de mercado

Capítulo II. El empresario

Capítulo III. Competencia y monopolio

Capítulo IV. Costes de venta, calidad y competencia

Capítulo V. El largo y el corto plazo

Capítulo VI. Competencia, bienestar y coordinación

Anexo. El descubrimiento empresarial y el proceso competitivo del mercado: el punto de vista austriaco

Referencias bibliográficas
Índice de nombres

Israel M. Kirzner es profesor de Economía en la Universidad de Nueva York. Eminente representante de la actual Escuela Austriaca de Economía, ha dedicado sus principales esfuerzos a destacar la importancia de la función empresarial en los procesos de mercado. Es autor, entre otros, de los siguientes libros: Competition and Entrepreneurship (1973), Perception, Opportunity and Profit (1979), Discovery and the Capitalistic Process (1985), The Meaning of Market Process. Essays in the Development of Modern Austrian Economics (1991).