
EU LAW. In times of pandemic. The EU´s legal response to Covid-19

ISBN: 9788413691763

El precio original era: 40,00€.El precio actual es: 40,00€. 38,00 IVA incluido

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Peso 800 g
Fecha de Edición 22/09/2021
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24 h

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EU LAW In times of pandemic. The EU´s legal response to Covid-19

This volume provides a comprehensive overview of the inherent tensions, weaknesses, and strengths of the European Union as a political, legal, economic, and social actor in times of ground-breaking disruption. structured into 7 thematic parts, with 35 chapters in total, brought together by an introductory chapter:
Part I explores the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on EU institutional law, focusing primarily on the cha- llenges posed by the pandemic to the core principles of solidarity and rule of law, as well as to the functioning of EU institutions, agencies, and bodies.
Part II is devoted to COVID-19 legal challenges in the ?eld of democracy and human rights, with a particular emphasis on migration and data protection issues.
Part III assesses the EU’s legal response to the pande- mic in the area of health and risk regulation, tackling, inter alia, the role of the precautionary principle in times of scienti?c uncertainty and several issues rela- ting to the legal framework on vaccines.
Part IV addresses the delicate legal implications of the ongoing crisis in the ?eld of banking, ?nance, and euro governance.
Part V deals with internal market law and the pro- found alterations it is being subjected to in a context of massive pandemic-induced restrictions to free move- ment, mostly (but not only) concerning the free move- ment of persons.
Part VI explores the role performed by, and the cha- llenges posed to, EU competition and State aid law during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Part VII provides an overview of the main legal impli- cations of the ongoing crisis for the functioning of the EU judiciary, conceived as the ultimate guarantor of the rule of law – a function of paramount importance, especially in times of truly large-scale restrictions of rights and of unprecedented disruptions of the pre- established legal framework.


Dolores Utrilla

is an Associate Professor of Public Law at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain. She collaborates with EU Law Live as an external Assistant Editor. Previously, she served as a Legal Advisor at the Spanish Ministry of the Presidency (2018-2020), and she conducted research stays in Ger- many (University of Hamburg, 2010-2011), the Uni- ted States (University of Georgetown, 2016), and Luxembourg (University of Luxembourg, 2017). She is a member of the Research Network on EU Adminis- trative Law (ReNEUAL) and of the Transnational Administrative Law Network. Her main ?elds of expertise are (EU) Administrative Law, Public Econo- mic Law, Human Rights Law, and Multilevel constitu- tionalism.

Anjum Shabbir

is an Assistant Editor at EU Law Live. She previously worked at an international law firm in Madrid (2019), the Court of Justice of the European Union (2016-2019), law firms in London (2014-2016), legal NGOs (2012-2013), and as a Lecturer of Law at the University of Maastricht (2010-2012). For five years she worked concurrently as an Associate and Legal Language Editor at the Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law (2011-2016). She has worked in and studied a wide range of EU and UK law including data protection law, intellectual property law, environmental law, tax law, competition law, employment law, extradition law, immigration law, public law and human rights law.