
Environmental tax studies for the ecological Transition. Comparative analysis addressing urban concentration and increasing transport challenges

ISBN: 9788491977018

El precio original era: 63,16€.El precio actual es: 63,16€. 60,00 IVA incluido

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Peso 950 g
Fecha de Edición 06/09/2019
Plazo de entrega

24 h

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Environmental tax studies for the ecological Transition

La obra recoge un conjunto de trabajos sobre fiscalidad medioambiental y sobre otros instrumentos económicos para hacer frente a los desafíos de las politicas medioambientales y de cambio climático actuales, escritos por autores españoles y de diversos países, muchos de los cuales se centran en la tributación del transporte y en los instrumentos fiscales utilizados para abordar los problemas de la actual concentración poblacional en los núcleos urbanos.


Trabajos sobre experiencias y problemas en distintos países para abordar con instrumentos fiscales los desafíos actuales de las políticas de medioambiente.
Selección de trabajos tras procedimiento de revisión por pares.


1ª y única edición


Energy Transition and the green economy are considered key issues at the political and legal level all around the world, not only today but for the foreseeable future. The transformations needed to achieve this have just begun, and the technological and behavioral changes this requires is likely to impact most aspects of our day to day lives. 

Environmental Tax Studies for the Ecological Transition provides a wide selection of papers presented at the 19th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation under the topic “Environmental Tax Challenges in the 21st Century: Urban Concentration and Increasing Transport”. In particular, in this very timely volume, the articles discuss different aspects of environmental taxes and other economic instruments in the context of the “ecological transition”, a topic of great interest for the scientific community and society as a whole.

The book, divided into five parts, contains a range of original studies written by scholars and professionals working worldwide in the field of environmental taxation. Economic Instruments and Energy Transition, Smart Cities and Urban Perspectives, Air Pollution and the Transport Sector, Energy Taxation and Governance and Challenging Issues are some of the topics addressed in the study.

In short, this book is meant to be a practical and helpful guide for researchers and practitioners interested in the theoretical and practical aspects of environmental issues from a fiscal point of view. 

Suggested citation: “Environmental Tax Studies for the Ecological Transition. Comparative Analysis Addressing Urban Concentration and Increasing Transport Challenges”.  MARTA VILLAR (EDITOR), CARMEN CÁMARA (COORDINATOR). Thomson Reuters/Civitas, 2019.

Introduction and overview

1. Unsettling the balance of power

Many failures led to the crisis

The waning grip of the G7

The upheaval in the (relative) wealth of nations

The need for international cooperation

The serendipitous G20

No finger-pointing in Washington


2. Success and failures of the G20

The crowning of the G20 as the world-saver

Revamping macroeconomic coordination

The old issues of international coordination confront the G20

Overhauling the international financial architecture?

Cannes (and Los Cabos) hijacked by the European crisis

Russia and the overbearing return of high politics

The BRIC(S) and the G20


3. The reform of the International Monetary Fund

IFIs, their shareholders, and global governance: a multifaceted interaction

The withering of IFIs


The (latest) IMF quota reform

The Seoul package and its implementation

There is more to influence than quotas

Paradigm regained: the persistence of the Washington orthodoxy


4. Multilateral Development Banks in fashion again

The birth of the MDB business model

More development (and more MDBs) in global architecture

Defending and enriching the mainstream view of development

More than affordable finance

Malaise and revival of the MDBs

The reform of the MDBs

The brand new MDBs

Evergreen tensions and dilemmas


5. Re-regulating finance

The international standards regime and the creation of the FSF

What’s in a letter? From the FSF to the FSB

The daunting tasks of the FSB

Halfway, half-empty, half-hearted, yet significant

Rule-taking behavior

The exorbitant persistence


6. Europe and global governance

The long tradition of punching below one’s weight

Missing a crucial opportunity: the G20

Missing a crucial opportunity: the IMF

The IMF and the European crisis

Three misconceptions

The European decision-making process does not help

The decline is not inevitable

A more effective Europe is also good for the world




Santiago Niño-Becerra Barcelona 1951. Es doctor en Economía y uno de los especialistas en su campo más conocidos de España, gracias a su frecuente participación como comentarista en numerosos medios. Hasta 1991 trabajó en el mundo empresarial, sobre todo en el sector siderúrgico. Luego se consagró a la enseñanza.

Es catedrático de Estructura Económica de la IQS School of  Management (Universidad Ramón Llull) y autor de varios libros centrados siempre en el mundo de la economía, y con ventas que superan los 150.000 ejemplares. 

Su nuevo libro, «El crash. Tercera fase», supone el cierre de lo que ahora constituye una tetralogía.