
Derecho natural

ISBN: 9789563925715

El precio original era: 13,98€.El precio actual es: 13,98€. 13,28 IVA incluido

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Fecha de edición 16/10/2019
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About the Author


You are in the right place

How to use this book


My Story

Part I The Start

Your what and your why

Chapter 1 Your Mindset

Let go of your money mistakes

Dream big — affirm yourself to being wealthy

Shift your circle of influence

Meet Latoya Scott

Chapter 2 Get Organized

Get your records in order

Track your spending

Identify your bad money habits

Know your net worth

Define your values

Set your goals

Meet Molly Stillman

Part II The Plan

Chapter 3 Budgeting

Budgeting 101 – the basics

Budgeting styles

Rewarding yourself

Budgeting on an inconsistent income

Budgeting as a couple

The save yourself fund — your emergency savings

My story: How I saved over $100,000 in three years

Chapter 4 Debt and loans

Let’s talk about debt… because it sucks

Student loans…Facts & basics

Meet Melisa Boutin

Where to start with your student loans

Ideas to pay off your debt fast

Meet Naseema McElroy

Saving and paying off debt

Cashback & rewards credit cards

Meet Monica Louie

Chapter 5 Investing

Investing 101

Meet Adeola Omole

Investing for retirement

How to start investing

Meet Brittney Knies

PART III The Necessary

Chapter 6 Credit

Credit 101

Credit Scores

Busting credit myths

Chapter 7 Protecting yourself

Protecting yourself

Recession-proofing your finances

Compromised information

Chapter 8 Making more money

Negotiating to win

Side hustles

Chapter 9 Key financial actions

Key financial actions

In closing


Mario Amorós (Alicante, 1973) es doctor en Historia por la Universidad de Barcelona y periodista. Destacado especialista en la evolución de Chile en el siglo XX, ha impartido conferencias en universidades europeas y americanas y ha intervenido en congresos científicos internacionales. Colabora asiduamente en medios de comunicación de España y Chile.

Entre sus trabajos anteriores destacan Sombras sobre isla Negra. La misteriosa muerte de Pablo Neruda (Ediciones B) y Después de la lluvia. Chile, la memoria herida.