Con trece años, Vanessa Springora conoce a Gabriel Matzneff, un apasionado escritor treinta y seis años mayor que ella, tras cuyo prestigio y carisma se esconde un depredador. Después de un meticuloso cortejo, la adolescente se entrega a él en cuerpo y alma, cegada por el amor e ignorante de que sus relaciones con menores llevan años nutriendo su producción literaria. Más de treinta años después de los hechos, Springora narra de forma lúcida y fulgurante esta historia de amor y perversión, y la ambigüedad de su propio consentimiento. Su maravillosa novela ha hecho, según el diario Le Monde, «arder Saint-Germain-desPrés»: el caso Matzneff cuestiona a la intelectualidad francesa y a una sociedad obnubilada por el talento y la celebridad.
ISBN: 9788426409270
El precio original era: 19,90€.19,90€El precio actual es: 19,90€. 18,90€ IVA incluido
Hay existencias
Peso | 352 g |
Fecha de Edición | 15/09/2020 |
Plazo de entrega |
24 h |
Número de Edición |
1 |
Idioma |
Español |
Formato |
Libro |
Páginas |
194 |
Lugar de edición |
Encuadernación |
Rústica |
Editorial |
978-84-264-0927-0 |
In search of European Citizenship
1. Introduction: Claiming Citizenship Rights in Europe [Ali Emre Benli and Daniele Archibugi]
2. European Citizenship in Times of Crisis: What is Left? [Teresa Pullano]
PART I. The Refugees Challenge to European Citizenship
3. Addressing the Refugee Crisis by European Citizenship [Marco Cellini]
4. Refugees Traversing Borders: Disobedience as an Act of European Citizenship [Ali Emre Benli]
5. European Asylum Policy and Sexual Orientation [Ilaria Ricci]
PART II. European Citizens at the Fringe
6. Prisoner Voting Rights on a European Perspective: The Cases of McHugh & Others v. The United Kingdom and Thierry Delvigne v. Commune de Lesparre Médoc [Viola Scordia]
7. Who Votes and Who Can be Voted in the European Parliament Elections? [Ilaria Ricci]
8. Estonia’s Non-Citizens, Citizens of the European Union? [Gigi Mihaita]
9.Sterilisation without Informed Consent: How to Improve European Citizens’ Medical Agency [Olga Lenczewska]
10. Parallel Claims for the Human Right to Water: The Case of Roma in Slovenia [Marek Szilvasi]
PART III. Emerging Issues and Political Subjects
11. The «Right to be Forgotten»: Asserting Control over our Digital Identity or Re-writing History? [Alice Pease]
12. A Right to Protection for Whistleblowers [Daniele Santoro and Manohar Kumar]
13. The Right to Become Visible: A Case for Aesthetic Activism on the EU Level [Daniel Tkatch]
14. Claiming Rights to Rejuvenate European Integration [Daniele Archibugi and Ali Emre Benli]
Daniele Archibugi is a Research Director at the Italian National Research Council (CNR-IRPPS), Italy, and Professor of Innovation, Governance and Public Policy at the University of London, Birkbeck College, UK. In 2006 he was appointed Honorary Professor at the University of Sussex, UK, and is an adviser to the European Union, the OECD, the Council of Europe, several UN agencies and various national governments.
Ali Emre Benli has been awarded research positions at the University of Rijeka, Croatia, the Italian National Research Council (CNR-IRPPS), Italy, Durham University, UK and the University of Graz, Austria, and is the Chair of Economic and Social Ethics at the UCLouvain, Belgium. He has also been a Visiting Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy at Bogazici University in Istanbul, Turkey.