
El camino

ISBN: 9788423356317

El precio original era: 18,00€.El precio actual es: 18,00€. 17,10 IVA incluido

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Fecha de edición 22/10/2019
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Edición conmemorativa del centenario Miguel Delibes (1920-2020).
Con prólogo de Sergio del Molino.

Daniel el Mochuelo intuye a sus once años que su camino está en la aldea, junto a sus amigos, sus gentes y sus pájaros. Pero su padre quiere que vaya a la ciudad a estudiar el Bachillerato. A lo largo de la noche que precede a la partida, Daniel, insomne, con un nudo en la garganta, evocará sus correrías con sus amigos —Roque el Moñigo y Germán el Tiñoso— a través de los campos descubriendo el cielo y la tierra, y revivirá las andanzas de la gente sencilla de la aldea.

Table of Contents


Acronyms and abbreviations


(I) Google and its global reach

(II) A new constitutional question?

(III) Structure of the book

1) Constitutionalism and world society

1.1. Constitutions and modern society: content and form

1.2. Globalization and world society: structural changes and semantic bifurcations

1.3. The discourse on constitutionalism beyond the state

1.3.1. Transconstitutionalism and its realistic approach

1.3.2. The European Union: between free market and democratic politics

1.3.3. Transnational corporations: autonomous organizational trends

2) The architecture of cyberspace

2.1. The Internet beyond freedom and control

2.2. Internet governance: law and politics in cyberspace

2.3. Mass surveillance online: the United States and their transnational corporations

2.4. Google and the reality of search engines

3) Disrupting markets and tax bases

3.1. «We’re afraid of Google»

3.1.1. Competition in cyberspace

3.1.2. Antitrust investigations and proceedings

3.1.3. Neutrality, pluralism and competition

3.2. Fighting digital tax avoidance

3.2.1. Challenges to the taxation of the digital economy

3.2.2. Searching for Google’s mobile and stateless income

4) Privacy, social memory and global data flows

4.1. The media of data and the forms of information

4.2. Privacy and data protection online

4.3. The case law of the CJEU

4.3.1. Publishing, searching and forgetting content online

4.3.2. Collecting, transferring and spying on personal data

4.4. Remembrance, forgetting, surveillance

4.4.1. The first index and the right to be forgotten

4.4.2. The second index and the power of digital bureaucracies

4.4.3. Profiles, exposure and discrimination


(I) Transnational constitutional conflicts over global data flows

(II) The transconstitutional protection of privacy

(III) Constitutionalizing markets over politics

(IV) Human contingency and data determinism


Articles, books and conferences

Documents, reports and press releases

News, blogs and posts


International treaties and legislation

Judicial and administrative proceedings


Guilherme Cintra Guimarães received his PhD in International Law from the University Roma Tre, Italy. He is a Federal Attorney at the Brazilian Office of the Attorney General of the Union.