Towards a Ius Commune in European Family and Succession Law?*
Naar een IUS Commune in Het Europees Familie-En Erfrecht?
This bilingual booklet – published in both English and Dutch – contains the text of the valedictory lecture by Professor Dr. Walter L.J. Pintens on the occasion of his admission to emeritus status. Professor Pintens studied law at the University of Leuven, Tubingen, and Munich. In 1982, he became doctor in law with a thesis on divorce by consent. He is Professor Ordinarius at the University of Leuven and Honorary Professor at Saarland University. Professor Pintens has written several books and articles in the fields of family law, succession law, comparative law, and private international law. He is corresponding editor of Zeitschrift fur Europaisches Privatrecht/Journal of European Private Law and co-editor of Zeitschrift fur das Gesamte Familienrecht/Magazine for the Whole Family Law. In 1992, the Belgian Parliament elected Walter Pintens as a member of the Board for the Recruiting of Judges.
A slice of international family life
Private international law. A weak integration factor
Family and succession law and culture. Nothing new under the sun
Institutional unification
International Commission on Civil Status
Council of Europe
European Union
Harmonisation through comparative law
And Belgian family and succession law? A plea for
… a refinement of the matrimonial default regime
… statutory regulation of the participation regime
… an improvement of non-marital property regimes
… a global succession law reform
Concluding remarks