
Bookmarks. A manual for combating hate speech online through human rights education

ISBN: 9789287190178

El precio original era: 18,70€.El precio actual es: 18,70€. 17,76 IVA incluido

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Fecha de edición 01/01/2020
Número de Edición





Lugar de edición


This revised edition of Bookmarks reflects the end of the coordination of the youth campaign by the Council Europe. The campaign may be officially over, but the education and awareness-raising to counter hate speech and promote human rights values remain an urgent task for young people of all ages.

The work of the Council of Europe for democracy is strongly based on education: education in schools, and education as a lifelong learning process of practising democracy, such as in non-formal learning activities. Human rights education and education for democratic citizenship form an integral part of what we have to secure to make democracy sustainable. Hate speech is one of the most worrying forms of racism and discrimination prevailing across Europe and amplified by the Internet and social media. Hate speech online is the visible tip of the iceberg of intolerance and ethnocentrism. Young people are directly concerned as agents and victims of online abuse of human rights; Europe needs young people to care and look after human rights, the life insurance for democracy.

Bookmarks was originally published to support the No Hate Speech Movement youth campaign of the Council of Europe for human rights online. Bookmarks is useful for educators wanting to address hate speech online from a human rights perspective, both inside and outside the formal education system. The manual is designed for working with learners aged 13 to 18 but the activities can be adapted to other age ranges.

Índice de autores

La protección penal de la función pública

Corrupción política y delitos contra la Administración Pública. Una aproximación introductora

Corrupción pública/corrupción privada: los escenarios de encuentro

Autoría mediata en delitos de corrupción pública

Abusos genéricos de funcionarios y prevaricación administrativa: un análisis comparado de los sistemas español y argentino

Negociaciones y actividades prohibidas de los funcionarios públicos

Realidad criminológica y respuesta penal frente a la corrupción pública

Corrupción pública: el engranaje del crimen organizado

La importancia de la recuperación de activos


Ricardo A. Basilico

Juan Terradillos Basoco


Jorge Luis Villada

María Carolina Renaud


Luis Ramón Ruiz Rodríguez

Erick Guimaray

Esther Hava García

María Acale Sánchez

Matías Carlos Froment