Living in Dignity in the 21st Century . Poverty and Inequality in Societies of Human Rights: the Paradox of Democracies
ln the early 21 st century, poverty, ¡mpoverishment and ¡nequalities are ¡ncreasing across the European continent. These phenomena not only weaken the social cohesión of European societies, they also viólate human rights, including social and civil and political rights, and question thefunctioning of democracy. How can people living in poverty make their voices heard in polarised societies, where more than 40% of assets and 25% of revenues are held by 10% of the population?
This guide is the result of two years of collective discussion held within the framework of the project «The human rights of people experiencing poverty». It was prepared with the assistance of many individuáis and organisations, including people living in poverty, researchers, associations and representatives of public authorities. As well as offering a critique of the current situation, analysing inequality and poverty through the prism of human rights, democracy and redistributive policies, the guide also invites the reader to explore the possibilities of a renewed strategy to fight poverty in order to restore a sense of social justice. It makes proposals that aim to overeóme the stigmatisation and categorisation of people, opening pathways of learning to build well-being through sharing, avoiding waste and by enhancing public awareness around the principie of human dignity as a human right for all.