
Fundaments of Descriptive Statistics

ISBN: 9788490859124

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Fecha de edición 01/06/2016



SKU: 9788490859124 Autor: Categorias: ,

1ª Edición 2016
Editorial DYKINSON


When we speak about Statistics, we usually think in numerical data, related to a specific period of time. We name statistics to data and series of Gross National Product (GNP), inflation, stock markets, unemployment, etc. But Statistics is much more than a set of figures. Statistics is a science, which provides us research methods to apply to the collected data in order to make an objective analysis of a specific phenomenon.

This is a textbook which objective is to introduce the students in the basic knowledge of what is the Descriptive Statistics, and how to use the different data analysis techniques. We also include several solved exercises in order to achieve a more practical approach of the different lessons.

Miguel Córdoba Bueno is professor in Statistics, Financial Mathematics and Decision Theory at Universidad CEU-San Pablo in Madrid. He was also lecturer at Universidad Complutense and Universidad Carlos III in Madrid. He have also working in different enterprises, carrying out several functions, inter alia Deputy General Manager of BBV Interactivos, Business Development Director of Treasury and Capital Markets of BBV, Marketing Director of Investment Banking of BBVA, and Chief Financial Officer of Naturhouse Group, Adquira, Mnemo and Pecunia Cards EDE. He is the author of over fifteen books and numerous articles about Finance and Economics.