Legal Issues for non Spanish Insurance Companies in Spain (Insurance Law – Taxes – Regulatory Law)
It is necessary to point out what this book is not. It is not a systematic and extensive study about all the legal matters concerning insurance in Spain. And It is not a doctrinal essay about some theoretical issues nor a simple guide to some superficial matters. However, this book is a practical and an in-depth study of some difficult and specific legal subjects which are key in the development of insurance business in Spain for a non Spanish insurance company, above all if it is in the EEA. How does the author know that these are the key subjects? The answer is simple: it is based on several reports that his Law Firm, LEGSE Abogados, has prepared over a period of 15 years, responding to some habitual questions asked by non Spanish insurance companies, which are clients of theirs.
Insurance regulations.
Information requirements before and after the conclusión of thecontract
Limiting clauses, language and payment of premium
Nomination of person/s to benefit from a policy (LIFE)
Spanish life insurance taxation
Spanish non life insurance taxation and surcharges
Penalties and interest tax. New Tax Fraud Prevention Act
egistry of insurance policies covering death risk
Data protection issues
Prevention of money laundering and terrorism fínancing related to life insurance companies in FoS or with branches in Spain
- Some issues about regulatory law
- Rules on interntinal insurance law