Este libro es una buena contribución de la SIDS (Société Internationale de Défense Sociale) al impulso para un uevo diseño de un verdadero gobierno del mundo, en el marco de una reforma de Naciones Unidas y de una nueva gobernanza de la economía y de las relaciones internacionales sin conflictos y respetuosa de los Derechos Humanos.
If subjecting war to law is one of the most important legal achievements of the 20th century, progressing further in that direction is one of the most important challenges for the 21st century. The problems it poses are many: the term war has formally fallen into disuse and we talk about peacekeeping; armies are today the product of cooperation between states and international organizations; private contractors increasingly participate in warlike activities, as the case of the Iraq war demonstrates; and the lines between war and very serious forms of crime (terrorism, organized crime) are increasingly blurred. This volume compiles the contributions presented at XVth International Congress on Social Defence, and tackle the criminal-legal issues raised by these new scenarios. It constitutes an innovative volume, gathering together the work of both academic and military authors, who have drawn on their theoretical and practical experience.
Le droit pénal comme étique de la mondialisation
Burring the categories of criminal law and the law of war: efforts and effects in the pursuit of internal an external security
Entre la guerrre et la paix: le droit pénal en quête de sa place
Criminal law protection and accountability or participants in peacekeeping operations
Fonctions de police judiciaire des forces armées a l’étranger
NATO military interventions abroad: How ROW are adopted and jurisdictional rights negotiated
Rules of Engagement. Status of Forces Agremensts and Criminal Law: different approaches as to hte legal base of the use of foce in mmilitary operations and conflicts of jurisdiction in respect o foreing friendly fire
Can the International Criminal Court preosecute military personnel of United Nations peace Support operationS?
Applicable alw in peace Support operations
National experiences:
Italian judicial experiences on peace Support operations (PSO)
Criminal justice lessons to be learned in international military interventions: a common law perspective
Reglas de enfrentamiento (ROE)
Quelle spécialité pour le droit pénal militaire?
La organización de la jurisdicción penal militar y su e volución
Inter-American court of human rights and penal military justice
The defence os superior Orders in Portuguese and in compared military criminal law
Human righjts under military criminal law and during war time
Expulsions irrégulières et droit de l’homme
Asesinatos selectivos y ejecuciones extrajudiciales en los conflictos armados actuales
Targered killing o suspected terrorists during armed conflcits: compatibility with the rights to life and to a due process?
The crime of aggression between international and domestic criminal law
From “ Abu Ghraib” to the “Rumsferld Case”
European police and judicial cooperation in cirminal matters and teh crime of genocide
The legal interest protected in the crimes against humanity
El Derecho penal del enemigo y el caso de los soldados guatemaltecos ejecutados en la República Domocrática del Congo
Sexual crimes in international criminal law
La muerte de José Couso: ¿un crimen de Guerra?
The “Hidden” primer jurisdiction of the ICC: about the article 70 of the statute
Superior responability for acts of torture committed by soberdinates under international criminal law: The case of U.S. abuse against Iraqui prisioners
A critical analysis of positive complementary
El crimen de agresión y la Corte Penal Internacional
La guerra y la paz: la situación del terrorismo internacional
Democracies dealing with suspected terrorists
Racionalización de la intervención penal vs. Punitivismo. De Livorno a Guantánamo
De Clausewitz a Enron: La guerra como prolongación del mercado por otros medios y el regreso del cargo I de Nuremberg
Individual criminal responsibility for crimes committed in non-international armed conflicts- The Hungarian jurisprudence on the 1956 volley cases
Criminal law between war and peace: Justice and criminal cooperation in military interventions
El derecho penal entre la guerra y la paz: Justicia y cooperación penal en las intervenciones militares
Le droit pénal entre guerre et paix: Justice et coopération pénales dans les interventions militaires
ISSD Resolutions opn mercenary activities: a new threat to the peace and security of manking
Resolución de la SIDS sobre mercenarismo como nueva amenaza global a la paz y seguridad de la humanidad
ISSD Resolution on a moratorium on the death penalti
Resolución de la SIDS sobre una moratoria sobre la pena de muerte
Stefano Manacorda, Profesor de Derecho penal de la Universidad de Nápoles
Adán Nieto Martín, Catedrático de derecho penal de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha.
Manuel Maroto
Daniel Scheunemann