
The United Nations and collective security in the face of global threats: from Ukraine and Russia to Iran, Syria and Afghanistan

ISBN: 9788411635141

El precio original era: 65,26€.El precio actual es: 65,26€. 61,99 IVA incluido

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Peso 700 g
Fecha de Edición 18/12/2023
Plazo de entrega

24 h

Número de Edición





Libro + e-Book



Lugar de edición










Challenges of the united nations collective security system socilogical analysis of its efficiency in the face of global theats

This book covers some of the key global dynamics of our age.

It aspires to assist the non-specialized reader, as well as the specialized one, to understand the world we live in, the forces that affect our coexistence, the trends. That will shape our future and the promising avenues for peace and prosperity.

Globalization, collective security, the connection between human rights, development and peace. Will be some of the concepts upon which the book aims to shed some light in a rigorous but a didactic manner.

In addition, those complex cases that rarely are explained in the divulgative media, such as the functioning of the United Nations and its mechanisms for conflict resolution. Daesh and Al-Qaeda, the Palestinian conflict, the Arab Spring, the wars of Iraq and Afghanistan and the violence in Afrika. Will be examined balancing the details with the need to be pedagogical.

In brief, this work is an attempt, on the one hand. To describe and explain the forces and threats that were present and contributed to the upsurge of coronavirus pandemics. Such as climate change and the exploitation of nature and, on the other, to set some hopeful paths and to inform policies to rearrange our order. If social dynamics are global, global should be our political governance too.

Finally, the book approaches, from an innovative and enlightening manner, the ins and outs of the Russian aggression to Ukraine.


Sergio García-Magariño

García-Magariño, Sergio:
Sergio García-Magariño es doctor en Sociología y profesor-investigador de la Universidad Pública de Navarra y de su Instituto de Investigación Social Avanzada. Es cofundador del Instituto para el Conocimiento, la Gobernanza y el Desarrollo globales (ICGD) y ha sido profesor visitante de la Universidad de Essex, el University College of Dublin, la Universidad Cornell y la Universidad Nur de Bolivia. Colabora con diferentes medios escritos y audiovisuales y con el think tank Globernance. La consultora Thinking Heads lo incluyó en su catálogo Top 100 Conferencias España 2021.