
Elgar Encyclopedia of Consumer Behavior

ISBN: 9781803926261

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Fecha de Edición 09/10/2024
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Elgar Encyclopedia Consumer Behavior

Modern commercial landscapes are characterized by rapidly evolving markets, and this authoritative Encyclopedia acts as an essential navigational guide to such changeable consumer environments.

This Encyclopedia provides an overview of crucial subjects within the study of consumer behavior. Leading to a clear understanding of the terms that inform both research and practice. Contributors articulate the importance of examining a diversity of perspectives when studying consumer behavior, alongside essential consideration of a broad range of factors which may affect it, including cultural, social, ethical and technological concerns. Developing topics such as artificial intelligence and sustainable consumerism are analyzed to offer a fully updated picture of consumer behavior.

Acting as both an academic launchpad and a research aid, the Elgar Encyclopedia of Consumer Behavior is vital for students and academics of marketing, business research methods and those studying consumer psychology and trends.

Key Features:
More than 90 concise entries that drive both theory and practice
Includes important related terms within each entry to help further independent analysis
Delves into possibilities for further research within burgeoning topic areas such as augmented reality marketing and mass customization to fully capture the contemporary relevance of consumer behavior studies




Preface xii
1 Aesthetic Design 1
Jan R. Landwehr
2 Algorithm Aversion 5
Anne-Kathrin Klesse, Yue
Zhang and Mirjam A. Tuk
3 Algorithm Predictability 9
Melanie Clegg
4 Algorithmic Advice 12
Benjamin von Walter
5 Algorithmic Consumption 15
Jana Gross
6 Anthropomorphism 18
Carsten Baumgarth
7 Anti-consumption 22
Julia Gisler
8 Art Infusion 25
Carsten Baumgarth
9 Augmented Reality Marketing 28
Joachim Scholz and Andrew N. Smith
10 Behavioral Pricing 32
Felix Schakols
11 Bounded Rationality 35
Kristina Kleinlercher
12 Brand Antifragility 38
Daniel Dietrich
13 Brand Authenticity 40
Lucia Malär
14 Brand Displacement 43
Kirk Kristofferson and Lea Dunn
15 Brand Gender and Brand Equity 46
Theo Lieven
16 Brand Personality 49
Lucia Malär
17 Brand Relationships 52
Janina Rebecca Kauz
18 Brand Trust 55
Mansur Khamitov, Koushyar
Rajavi, Der-Wei Huang and
Yuly Hong
19 CASA (Computers are
Social Actors) 59
Carsten Baumgarth
20 Conspicuous Consumption 62
Perrine Desmichel and Bruno Kocher
21 Constraining Ideas 65
Reto Hofstetter
22 Consumer AI Experience 68
Stefano Puntoni, Rebecca
Walker Reczek, Markus Giesler
and Simona Botti
23 Consumer Brand Contestation 70
Daniel Dietrich
24 Consumer Co-creation 73
Daniel Wentzel
25 Consumer Creativity 76
Gry Høngsmark Knudsen,
Mario Campana, Kat Duffy and
Eric Arnould
26 Consumer Culture 81
Eric Arnould and Craig J. Thompson
27 Consumer Downsizing 85
Lisa Eckmann
28 Consumer Fetish 89
Eric Arnould
29 Consumer Identity 93
Americus Reed II, Mark
Forehand, Stefano Puntoni and
Luk Warlop
30 Consumer Needs 94
Hélène Gorge, Nil Özçağlar-Toulouse and Dannie
31 Consumer–Object Relations 97
Christiane Aufschnaiter
32 Consumer Patient 99
Anna Schneider-Kamp
33 Consumer Responsibilization 103
Johanna Gollnhofer
34 Consumer Socialization 105
Janina Rebecca Kauz
35 Consumer Temporality 109
Thomas Robinson
36 Consumer Tribes 113
Carlos A. Diaz Ruiz
37 Consumption Communities 116
Jan-Hendrik Bucher
38 Consumption-led Market Shaping 121
Carlos A. Diaz Ruiz
39 Consumption Myth 124
Craig J. Thompson and Eric Arnould
40 Costly Signaling 128
Bruno Kocher and Perrine Desmichel
41 Customer Inspiration 131
Marc Linzmajer, Heiner
Evanschitzky and Thomas Rudolph
42 Customer Journeys 134
Carlos A. Diaz Ruiz
43 Default Effects 137
Alõm Yõlmaz, Isabelle Engeler
and Minah Jung
44 Delay Discounting 141
David J. Hardisty
45 Detached Co-involvement 145
Anna Schneider-Kamp
46 Digital Consumption 148
Christiane Aufschnaiter
47 Digital Possessions 151
Russell Belk
48 Essentialism 154
Tim Döring
49 Ethical Consumption Cap 157
Carys Egan-Wyer and Jack Coffin
50 Evaluative Conditioning 159
Jan R. Landwehr
51 Extended Self 162
Russell Belk
52 Fandom 165
Gry Høngsmark Knudsen
53 Framing 168
David J. Hardisty
54 Greenwashing 171
Lucia Gatti and Peter Seele
55 Health Capital 175
Anna Schneider-Kamp
56 Hostile Learning Environments 179
Jack S. Tillotson and Kushagra
57 Impulse Buying 183
Kristina Kleinlercher
58 Legitimacy 186
Thomas Robinson
59 Luxury Consumption 191
Nacima Ourahmoune and
Emma Samsioe
60 Market Segmentation 195
Carlos A. Diaz Ruiz
61 Mass Customization 198
Franziska Krause
62 Materiality 201
Christiane Aufschnaiter
63 Medical Consumerism 204
Anna Schneider-Kamp
64 Message Framing 208
Wibke Heidig
65 Mixed Emotions 211
Jana-Verena Gerhart and Vincent Oh
66 Multimodal Marketing
Communication 216
Stefania Farace
67 Narrative Recrafting 218
Hanne Pico Larsen, Jack
S. Tillotson and Susanne
68 Need for Uniqueness 221
Matthias Fuchs and Martin Schreier
69 Non-Fungible Tokens 224
Reto Hofstetter
70 Nostalgic Consumption 227
Christian Dam, Benjamin J.
Hartmann and Katja H. Brunk
71 Nudging 230
Julia Gisler
72 Online Reviews 232
Leif Brandes
73 Paradigms in Consumer
Behavior Research 235
Joern Redler
74 Perceived Ownership 241
Matthias Fuchs
75 Persuasion Knowledge 244
Martin Eisend
76 Platform Affordances 247
Lydia Ottlewski
77 Point-of-Purchase
Communications 250
Joern Redler
78 Processing Fluency 253
Jan R. Landwehr
79 Product Design 257
Daniel Wentzel
80 Prosumption 261
Jan-Hendrik Bucher
81 Psychological Distance 263
David Finken
82 Relationship Norms 268
Benjamin von Walter
83 Self-congruence 271
Lucia Malär
84 Self-tracking 274
Federico García Baena
85 Sharing 277
Russell Belk
86 Social Media Fatigue 280
Christopher Zerres and Thomas
87 Social Media Firestorms 283
Andrew N. Smith and Joachim Scholz
88 Social Responsibility 287
Verena E. Wieser and Andrea
89 Storied Consumer Self 291
Julius Stephan
90 Switching Behavior 294
Kristina Kleinlercher
91 Technology Acceptance
Models: TAM and UTAUT 297
Carsten Baumgarth
92 Time Poverty 301
Maria Giulia Trupia, Isabelle
Engeler and Cassie Mogilner Holmes
93 Transitional Consumer 305
Julius Stephan
94 Value Regimes 308
Johanna Gollnhofer and Henri Weijo
95 Vintage Consumption 310
Christian Dam
96 Word of Mouth 313
Leif Brandes