
Smart city in a digital world *

ISBN: 9781787691384

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Fecha de Edición 28/08/2019
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SKU: 9781787691384 Autor: Categorias: ,

Smart city in a digital world*

What makes a city smart? The Smart City in a Digital World takes on this question by describing, challenging, and offering democratic alternatives to the view that the answer begins and ends with technology. In the wake of the 2008 global financial meltdown, corporations converged on cities around the world to sell technology, harvest valuable data, and deepen the private governance of urban life. They partnered with governments to promise what on the surface look like unalloyed benefits to city dwellers: safer streets, cleaner air, more efficient transportation, instant communication for all, and algorithms that take governance out of the hands of flawed human beings. Another story lies beneath that surface. Technology-driven smart cities deepen surveillance, shift urban governance to private companies, shrink democracy, create a hacker’s paradise, and hasten the coming of catastrophic climate change.

The Smart City insists that people make cities smart, that human governance still matters, and that genuinely intelligent cities start with a vibrant democracy, a commitment to public space, and to citizen control over technology. To make this happen, we need to understand the technologies, the organizations, and the mythologies that power the global smart cities movement, as well as the growing resistance to the technology-driven city. Drawing on case studies from around the world that document the redevelopment of old cities and the creation of entirely new ones, The Smart City provides an essential guide to the future of urban life in a digital world.

  1. List of Tables
  2. About the Author
  3. Acknowledgements
  4. 1-The World is Urban
  5. City–States
  6. Critical Social Science
  7. Climate Change
  8. Networks of Cities
  9. What Makes a City Smart?
  10. Smart City Patterns
  11. A Trilogy
  12. From an Urban Village to a Life in Cities
  13. Overview of the Book
  14. Smart City in a Bottle
  15. Endnotes
  16. 2-How to Think About Smart Cities
  17. Stop Using the Term
  18. The Smart City is About Technology
  19. The Smart City is About Citizens
  20. The Smart City is a Space-Time Machine
  21. The Smart City is a Computer
  22. The Smart City is a Platform
  23. Time’s Twisted Arrow
  24. Architecture Without Architects
  25. Sedentary and Smart
  26. IBM’s Smarter City
  27. Computer Simulations and Urban Dynamics in the Steel City
  28. Punch Cards in the City of Angels
  29. The 1964 New York World’s Fair
  30. From Progressland to Epcot
  31. The Wired City
  32. The Technological Sublime
  33. The Past is not Necessarily Prologue
  34. 3-City of Technology: Where the Streets Are Paved with Data
  35. Technology: The Next Internet
  36. The Internet of Things
  37. Cloud Computing
  38. Big Data Analytics
  39. Smart Transportation, Smart Energy, Smart Communication
  40. Big Savings
  41. Command and Control in the Smart City
  42. Google Toronto and it Comes Up New York
  43. Don’t Google This
  44. 4-Who Governs? State-Driven Smart Cities
  45. Three Types of Governance
  46. Government-Led Smart Cities
  47. High-tech China: What’s Your Social Credit Score?
  48. Modi’s India: Let 100 Smart Cities Bloom
  49. 5-Who Governs? Private Smart Cities
  50. But First, A Word About Disney
  51. Amazon in Seattle: When a Big City Becomes a Private Laboratory
  52. Company Towns: As American as Apple Pie
  53. Zucktown
  54. Y Combinator and the New Cities Initiative
  55. No, Not Muskville, Yarrabend
  56. Peter Thiel’s Floating Cities
  57. Bill Gates in the Desert
  58. Blockchain USA
  59. Will Big Tech Run Smart Cities?
  60. 6-Who Governs? Citizens
  61. Citizens and Participation
  62. Barcelona en Comú: Democracy by Design
  63. Amsterdam: DECODE and FairBnB
  64. Ouishare Paris
  65. Sharing Services in Seoul
  66. Smart City Governance and the Inevitability of Climate Change
  67. 7-The Urban Imaginary: Myths and Markets
  68. The Machine in the Garden
  69. The Tower in the Park
  70. The Urban Dance: Eyes on the Street
  71. From the Creative Class to the Smart City
  72. The Panoptic City?
  73. Selling the Smart City
  74. 8-Whose Smart City?
  75. Why Create an Urban Imaginary?
  76. Livability
  77. Surveillance and Privacy
  78. Ownership of Data
  79. Black Gold for Hackers
  80. Normal Cities, Normal Accidents
  81. Smart Distraction, Climate Change and the Efficiency Trap
  82. Resistance
  83. Municipalism
  84. A Manifesto for the Smart City
  85. Further Reading
  86. Index