
Recliming Constitutionalism * Democracy, Power and the State

ISBN: 9781509916122

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Fecha de edición 01/12/2017
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Reclaiming Constitutionalism articulates an argument for why the constitutional phenomenon remains attached to the state – despite the recent advent of theories of global constitutionalism. Drawing from the idea that constitutionalism historically sought to build social consensus, this book argues that the primary aim of constitutionalism is to create social peace and to shield, rather than to limit, the power of political elites in any given state. Implicit in the effort to preserve social peace is the fundamentally important acknowledgement of social conflict. Constitutionalism seeks to offer a balance between opposing social forces. However, this balancing process can sometimes ignite, rather than appease, social conflict. Constitutionalism may thus further a project of social struggles and emancipation, for it incorporates within its very nucleus the potential for an agonistic version of democracy. In light of the connection between social conflict and constitutionalism, this book explores the conditions for and locations of the former. 

From the state and the EU to the global level, it considers the role of citizenship, national identities, democracy, power, and ideology, in order to conclude that the state is the only site that satisfies the prerequisites for social conflict. Reclaiming constitutionalism means building a discourse that opens up an emancipatory potential, a potential that, under current conditions, cannot be fulfilled beyond the borders of the state.

PART I: Constitutions and Constitutionalism: The Legal, the Political, the Citizen and the Status quo
Introduction of Part I 
1. The Roots of Law, the Roots of Constitutionalism 
2. The Telos of Modern Constitutionalism 
Conclusion of Part I: The Question of the Nation State 

PART II: The Constitutional Failure of Europe: Citizenship, Democracy and Consensus
Introduction of Part II 
3. The Dialectics of Citizenship: Europe as a Citizenship-Capable Entity 
4. What Kind of European Citizenship? 
Conclusion of Part II: European Citizenship Revisited 

 PART III: Global Governance: Discourse and Truth, Power and Resistance

Introduction of Part III 
5. Global Governance as Discourse-Global Governance as Truth 
6. Foucault and Power: Global Governance beyond Discourse 
7. The Unviability of Global Citizenship: Looking into the Deeds of Global Civil Society 
Conclusion of Part III 


PART IV: The Foundation of Power: Bringing Constitutionalism back to the State Introduction of Part IV 
8. The Capitalist Mode of Production: The Economic Relation as the Primary Relation of the Nation State 
9. State, Ideology and the Class Struggle 
Conclusion of Part IV: Revisiting State Constitutionalism 
Conclusion: State, Power, Constitutionalism

Maria Tzanakopoulou is Teaching Fellow at King’s College London Dickson Poon School of Law and at UCL Faculty of Laws.