Researching Interpersonal Relationships* Qualitative Methods, Studies, and Analysis
This accessible book explores and demonstrates methodological tools used to guide qualitative relationships research, especially studies of interpersonal communication. Researching Interpersonal Relationships introduces both classic and cutting-edge methodological approaches for qualitative inquiry and analysis, including opening chapters with accessible overviews of interpretive theory and research design. Additional chapters feature a detailed overview of a specific method and analytical tool and are illustrated by original research studies from leading scholars in the field, each in a different interpersonal communication context. Post-study interviews with the researchers are also provided to allow new and experienced researchers a better understanding of how qualitative research approaches can expand and solidify understandings of personal relationships. This groundbreaking book is the first of its kind written especially for relationships researchers on qualitative research, and it makes a welcome addition to advanced undergraduate and graduate student classrooms as well as any serious qualitative relationships researcher’s bookshelf.